Technical and Plant Collaborators

Cornelius Barry, Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University Suman Chandra, National Center for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi Natalia Dudareva, Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, Purdue University Mahmoud A. ElSohly, Thad Cochran Natl Ctr for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi Heike Hoffmann, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University Ikhlas A. Khan, Thad Cochran Natl Ctr for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi Tom McKnight, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas A&M University Troy Smillie, Thad Cochran Natl Ctr for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi Aruna D. Weerasooriya, Thad Cochran Natl Ctr for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi


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